Sevarus James
Minmatar Meridian Dynamics FREGE Alliance
Posted - 2007.09.30 01:29:00 -
Edited by: Sevarus James on 30/09/2007 01:32:11 I personally don't like the "os wars" either, having lost in one horribly many years ago (os/2). As a tech in the industry for almost 20 years now, I've always said: USE WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!
Personally for the last three years, what's worked best is linux. For the last two (almost) I've been MS free at home and playing EVE with very little issue other than a few patch day blues.
Now that CCP is prepping the linux/mac builds with Transgaming (closed beta is ON for this week), there is even less reason to stay hooked to one platform.
Vista has been a p.r. disaster for microsoft. Leads in the industry are almost universally of the opinion that they jumped the shark with this platform in many MANY ways, not the least of which is the draconian EULA as well as the DRM checks that cause a lot of users serious problems with media content.
There will ALWAYS be users who have no issues with one OS or another, and BRAVO to you. Just remember that there are more than one OS in play, and a lot of folks (especially on the tech side of things) understand some of the massive screwups that Microsoft employed in Vista.
Again, CCP moved the folder structure to be in compliance so that EVE would work under Vista properly (or at least as well as it could). They also gave us the /lua switch to by pass it for the most part, and having tried this at work on windows machines there, I have to say that it works pretty well. There are also scripts out that will completely get rid of the external folders.
Remember that CCP is also working to ensure that EVE works with linux and mac as well, and have endorsed the major distros as goals to be 'OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED' (dev words here.)
Rather than harp and fight over which is which, we should, as a community of pod pilots HELP to resolve issues no matter WHICH platform the pilot chooses to use.
My 2 cents.
My sig shows my preferred OS and EVE, but my opinion is that whatever works for YOU is best. Er...it WOULD show you, but Chribba says a hard drive pwnd the pic.....so hopefully it will show my preferred os and eve soon (tm). lol
Ubuntu 3d Beryl-Linux Desktop+EVE |